Keyboard Navigation

Key Board Navigation Help for Grid data tables

Actions applied on Grid header
Enter sort by column
Alt + Down Arrow Key
  1. Opens the filter menu
  2. Opens the calendar
  1. closes the filter menu
  2. Closes the calendar
Tab navigates through the elements in the filter menu(default browser behavior)
Shift + Tab same as Tab, but in reverse order
Actions applied on Grid data table
Arrow Keys to naigate over the cells
Enter on group row will toggle expand/collapse
Page Up pages on previous page
Page Down pages on next page
Space selects currently highlighted cell
Ctrl + Space same as Space, but perists previously selected cells(only for selection mode "multiple")

Key Board Navigation Help for Drop downs

Actions applied on Drop downs
Up Arrow highlights previouos item
Down Arrow highlights next item
Enter selects highligted item
Esc closes the popup
Alt + Down Arrow opens the popup
Alt + Up Arrow closes the popup

Key Board Navigation Help for Calendar

Actions applied on Calendar Controls
Alt Down Arrow Key Opens Calendar control.
left arrow highlights previous day
right arrow highlights next day
up arrow highlights same day from the previous week
down arrow highlights same day from the next week
ctrl left arrow navigates to previous month
ctrl right arrow navigates to next month
ctrl up arrow navigates to previous view
ctrl down arrow navigates to next view
home highlights first day of the month
end highlights last day of the month
enter if in "month" view selects the highlighted day. In other views navigates to lower view